English Episodes

Welcome to Voice of Sayar Henry – English Episodes!

Here is an up-to-date collection of the podcast episodes written and created by Sayar Henry for citizens of the world. The ideas and themes of this podcast revolves mainly around mindset, learning skill, productivity, lifestyle design, education, and technology — all blended in the context of personal growth and sifted through the life experiences of yours truly. Most of these episodes are designed to be heard on headphones. Listeners who reside in United States may hear some ads.

The fight for justice and freedom in Myanmar is still going strong in 2024. But what does it mean for the smart generation of this country?

When every self-improvement tip you know isn’t working, there’s still one more tool that life can offer you. Find out more about this ultimate tool, and get inspired by the real life experiences and memories of the host.

What does our body want? What happens when it tries to talk to our mind? Find out a possible course of conversation that could happen between them in this uniquely created episode.

The biggest challenge with procrastination is that it is like a silent ninja. You never know when it’s going to hit you. Our work and productivity can improve significantly if we can avoid procrastination before it happens. But how do we know before it’s coming to hit us? Find out the podcaster’s secret in this episode.

In Another Day’s Problem, you will learn how to deal with work related anxiety and navigate your mind with a simple framework that can protect you from the modern culture of toxic productivity.

Summer is coming in some parts of the world. But what if you are stuck in some corners of the world where economy is weak and electricity supply is unstable? In this episode, you will learn how to keep your spirit up despite having to face such problems. The episode photo is that of the creator when he was a student.

By tuning in to this episode, the listener will be brought to a relaxing state of mind while also being educated on how to focus better by using a counter-intuitive approach.

Keep It Burning will teach you how to maintain consistency in your learning journey. You can also apply this approach to personal development, business, sport, or many other areas of life.

This reflective episode will teach you how to become a better person in the new year. It also highlights a point of view that helps you see if your new goals are really necessary or worthwhile to pursue.

Explore a unique productivity hack that can help you get things done in time for Christmas or any other exciting holidays.

This one is dedicated for young adults who are not fortunate enough to continue their formal education due to external circumstances such as drastic political changes or heated civil wars. But the older generation also needs to hear this and get reminded of what they can offer to those young people.

This nostalgic episode briefly explores the background history and a few turning points in technology from the 1990s to 2000s that would result in what we now know as podcasting.

Are you hurt? Are you trying to process something painful? If you are, this uniquely touching episode is for you. It is created for every human being on earth who is trying to heal better. Many have shed tears while listening to this episode. But one of them in particular did so while creating it.

Do you want to know a simple rule that can help you get more things done as well as procrastinate less? Hear this one out.

Let this episode remind you of what you can do to get back in the direction of happiness even when the world around you may be suggesting otherwise.

This anniversary episode highlights a point of view that reminds the People of Myanmar what they are fighting for and what they have to give in return. It also points out why passion is overrated when it comes to a person’s success in life.

The Time Traveler is a truly special and remarkable episode that emerges when reality and fiction collide.

A bit of Meta Learning is an episode that explores some tips that can be used by students and professionals who need to study more effectively. The episode covers both the psychological and hands-on aspects of getting the most out of a study session.

This unusual episode briefly depicts how an individual person feels during this tough time in Myanmar and how the same thought echoes back to back with the fellow citizens who are still fighting for democracy in these dark days. (Recommended for night time listening.)

By listening to The Bare Minimum, you will learn a different way to look at priority management and resource planning, considering the context of recent electricity blackouts in Myanmar.

First Things First briefly but effectively explores why many people fail to achieve their long-term goals as they unknowingly spend their precious time on unimportant matters.

This episode reminds the listener of what one can do to get back in the direction of happiness in 2022 while something as serious as the fight for justice and democracy still continues.

Look at the way this episode is named! It’s clearly inspired by episode titles of the famous comedy series F.R.I.E.N.D.S. But actually, this is about a much more groundbreaking sitcom from 1990s that influenced a lot of sitcoms that millennials and later generation enjoy today. Both metaphorically and literally speaking, The One Before FRIENDS, of course, is SEINFELD.

Explore the term ‘The Human Experience’ through the lens of innovation and technology. By listening to this episode, you will learn the importance of the freedom of information and expression in the history of mankind.


In this practical episode, you will learn a simple process that anyone can practice to get out of a demotivated state. This tip can be extremely useful to those who need the strength to keep moving forward despite hearing bad news and feeling discouraged along the way.

This episode highlights the relationship between morality and negative emotions of the People of Myanmar, and a possibility that these negative experiences can collectively represent a symbol of unity.


What role did YouTube play in this Burmese podcaster’s life? What kind of people, books, or podcasts does he spend time with? Why does he strongly believe that technology can change people’s lives? You will find all the answers in this one.


This is one of the challenging episodes created by yours truly. It explores the concept of Flow, a term that psychologists use to refer to the state of mind associated with high performance. The audio experience of this episode is designed to reflect the concept itself so that listeners can use it in more than just one way, depending on their individual needs.

This thought-provoking episode showcases one factor that can drive people to win back their strong will to achieve great things in life — personal goals, professional goals, or even the fight for freedom and justice.

This is a special episode created as a tribute to commemorate and honor the fallen and rising heroes of Myanmar who kept fighting for justice and democracy from The 8888 Uprising (1988) to The Spring Revolution (2021).

In this episode for language learners, the host talked about the common problem of how a lot of students feel stuck or sleepy whenever they read English novels and how they can overcome it by reading smarter.

The People of Myanmar need to combat the third wave of COVID-19 and negative impacts of the military coup at the same time. A lot of people are already tired, frustrated and stressed out. In this episode, the host explained why stress management is important for COVID-19 patients and demonstrated two breathing exercises that can lower stress and improve oxygen level for those helpless people of this unfortunate country.

To get through each day under the attack of both Coup and COVID-19, you will need to explore and embrace the new meaning of “Success” which is based on the host’s personal experiences and shift in perspective. If you agree with it, you can apply it in your daily life — cooking, studying, or even fighting for freedom and justice, whatever matters the most to you.

Whether a Myanmar citizen decides to join the revolution against the military junta depends heavily on what he or she expects from a government. By listening to this episode, you will learn the concept of social contract.

This is where it all started. It’s the first episode created and published by this teacher-turned-podcaster host. At the time of script development, the People of Myanmar were in need of access to educational content on multiple platforms more than ever, followed by the aftermath of 2021 Coup d’état. Find out why in this humble beginning of Voice of Sayar Henry.


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